Blog post

Science correspondent on RNZ


Back in March 2022, I appeared on the fantastic RNZ show, Nine to Noon. I was there to talk about Sticky - it was the first NZ media interview that book publicist Rebecca secured for me.

The interview was a blast - Kathryn was an amazingly kind interviewer - I still can't believe I got to talk about friction and stickiness on primetime radio for 30 mins! You can listen to it here.

Immediately afterwards, as we came off air, the producer, Victoria, asked if I might be interested in coming back on the show at some stage as a general 'science correspondent'. I said yes, of course - I'd loved doing a similar gig for the Naked Scientists back in the day. We agreed to chat about the logistics soon. Fast-forward to July 2022, and the promised email arrived to my inbox - Nine to Noon wanted me to make some appearances on the show. Microbiologist (and superstar scicommer) Dr Siouxsie Wiles had been doing this fortnightly gig solo for some time, but with everything else she does, she needed to step back. So, I joined, along with Chemist Dr Allan Blackman. The three of us now share the segment.

The segment: Choose 2-4 interesting science stories / papers from the previous couple of weeks, and talk about them live on air for a total of ~10 min.

Because I am a nerd, I also pledged to share links to the quoted papers over on Twitter and Mastodon. But I thought I should do it here too! So this post is now the official home for my RNZ stories. I'll update it after each appearance.

Debut appearance: 27th July 2022

Link to the segment: listen here.

Topics covered + links to paper:

- The effects of air pollution on the health of New Zealanders

- A mysterious radio signal getting astronomers excited

- The discovery of a link between the areas of a dog's brain that handle smell and vision

Appearance #2: 24 August 2022

Link to the segment: listen here.

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Exposure to pesticides damages bee brains

- Low-gravity droplets

- Upcycling polystyrene

- Making concrete with waste tyres

Appearance #3: 19 October 2022

Link to the segment: listen here.

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Ocean warming rates set to quadruple if we don’t reduce emissions

- Telescope finds heavy element in the atmosphere of faraway planets

- New device allows you to smell (wine) in virtual reality

+ free resources to make your own VR odorant device

Appearance #4: 30 November 2022

Link to the segment: listen here.

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Procrastinating before bedtime might be bad for you

** apologies to Central Queensland University for incorrectly attributing this work to another institute, live on air **

- Jellyfish-relative pulses its jets

- Physicists design ‘splash-free’ urinal

Appearance #5: 8 February 2023

Link to the segment: listen here.

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Planting more trees in cities saves lives

- Scientists discover new layer of partially-molten rock under the Earth’s crust

- Bird strike decals aren’t always effective

Appearance #6: 19 April 2023

Link to the segment: listen here.

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Indigenous populations at higher risk from flu

- Penguin poo plays a vital role in Southern Ocean

- Two parts of your brain are activated when you read

Appearance #7: 3 May 2023

Link to the segment: listen here (it was extra short thanks to breaking political news!)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Two-thirds of elephant habitat in Asia lost in just three centuries

- Glass bricks get a big upgrade thanks to ‘frozen smoke’

- Mosses are vital for planetary health

Appearance #8: 14 June 2023

Link to the segment: listen here (~8 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Aviation turbulence has increased due to climate change

- Squeezing molecules together to reduce chemical waste

- Sewer robots destroy dengue-carrying mozzies

Appearance #9: 26 July 2023

Link to the segment: listen here (~9 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Atlantic Ocean current may be heading for a tipping point

- Making natural gas engines less polluting through catalysis

- Evidence of 2,000-year-old curry found in Vietnam

Appearance #10: 6 September 2023

Link to the segment: listen here (~9 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Extreme El Niño weather saw forest carbon sink switch off

- Drag on partially submerged objects is much higher than expected

- New ‘odour map’ predicts smells from molecular structure

Appearance #11: 1 November 2023

Link to the segment: listen here (~11 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Dust caused the demise of the dinosaurs

- Researchers create ultra-water-repellent surface

- (Some) Chimpanzees go through menopause

Appearance #12: 29 November 2023

Link to the segment: listen here (~11 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Traffic jams raise blood pressure, but not in the way you might expect

- Scientists solve a 200-year-old geology mystery

- New tech brings sense of touch to robots and prosthetic limbs

Appearance #13: 3 April 2024

Link to the segment: listen here (~13 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- Climate change may be affecting global timekeeping

- 4,000-year-old teeth provide insight into changing human diets

- Making tastier beer thanks to machine learning

Appearance #14: 29 May 2024

Link to the segment: listen here (~10 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- 2023 northern hemisphere summer was the hottest in 2,000 years

- Volcanoes on Venus may still be erupting

- New adhesive prevents scarring around implants

Appearance #15: 17 July2024

Link to the segment: listen here (~10 mins)

Topics covered + links to paper:

- New Zealand’s weather looks set to become more extreme

- New chemistry to tackle “fast fashion” waste

- Lower speed limits make cities safer